





·2019/7 - 至今


·2019/6 - 2019/9


·2017/12 - 2019/6


·2013/03 - 2017/11



·2006/08 – 2012/12

杜兰大学,物理与工程物理系, 博士


·2002/09 – 2006/07

中国科学技术大学, 物理系, 学士


·国家自然科学基金重点项目,11834002,新型铁基非正规铁电体材料探索及磁电耦合物理研究,2019/01 - 2023/12。310万元。

·国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,11304149,以3d族过渡金属离子为探针研究钙钛矿结构钌氧化物的磁阻行为, 2014/01 - 2016/12。28万元。

·国家自然科学基金大科学装置科学研究联合基金重点支持项目,U1332205,一些钙钛矿氧化物多层膜界面微结构与物理性能的同步辐射研究, 2014/01 - 2017/12。300万元。


(1) Ashish Gangshettiwar, Yanglin Zhu, Zhanzhi Jiang, Jin Peng, Yu Wang, Jiaming He, Jianshi Zhou, Zhiqiang Mao, Keji Lai Emergence of a competing stripe phase near the Mott transition in Ti-doped bilayer calcium ruthenates Physical Review B,2020, 101: 201106

(2) Shiming Lei, Shalinee Chikara, Danilo Puggioni, Jin Peng, Mengze Zhu, Mingqiang Gu, Weiwei Zhao, Yu Wang, Yakun Yuan, Hirofumi Akamatsu, Moses HW Chan, Xianglin Ke, Zhiqiang Mao, James M Rondinelli, Marcelo Jaime, John Singleton, Franziska Weickert, Vivien S Zapf, Venkatraman Gopalan, Comprehensive magnetic phase diagrams of the polar metal Ca3(Ru0.95Fe0.05)2O7 Physical Review B, 2019, 99: 224411

(3) T Zou, J Peng, M Gottschalk, PP Zhang, ZQ Mao, X Ke, Insulator–metal transition induced by electric voltage in a ruthenate Mott insulator Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2019, 31: 195602

(4) Xueli Xu, Jin Peng, Junpei Zhang, Zongwei Ma, Cheng Chen, Junbo Han, Bingjie Liu, Lingfang Lin, Xiaoshan Wu, Zhiqiang Mao, Zhe Qu, Zhigao Sheng, Optical spectroscopy study of Ca3 (Ru0. 91Mn0. 09) 2O7 single crystal in high magnetic fields Science Bulletin, 2019, 64: 20-25

(5) Jin Peng, XM Gu, GT Zhou, W Wang, JY Liu, Yu Wang, ZQ Mao, XS Wu, Shuai Dong, Electron mass enhancement and magnetic phase separation near the Mott transition in double-layer ruthenates Frontiers of Physics, 2018, 13: 137108

(6) Jin Peng, Yang Zhang, Ling-Fang Lin, Lin Lin, Meifeng Liu, Jun-Ming Liu, Shuai Dong, New iron-based multiferroics with improper ferroelectricity Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2018, 51: 243002

(7) Shiming Lei, Mingqiang Gu, Danilo Puggioni, Greg Stone, Jin Peng, Jianjian Ge, Yu Wang, Baoming Wang, Yakun Yuan, Ke Wang, Zhiqiang Mao, James M Rondinelli, Venkatraman Gopalan, Observation of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Polar Domains and Ferroelastic Switching in a Metal, Ca3Ru2O7 Nano letters, 2018, 18: 3088-3095

(8) Mengze Zhu, Tao Hong, Jin Peng, Tao Zou, ZQ Mao, Xianglin Ke, Field-induced magnetic phase transitions and memory effect in bilayer ruthenate Ca3Ru2O7 with Fe substitution Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2018, 30: 075802

(9) Hui Xing, Libin Wen, Chenyi Shen, Jiaming He, Xinxin Cai, Jin Peng, Shun Wang, Mingliang Tian, Zhu-An Xu, Wei Ku, Zhiqiang Mao, Ying Liu, Existence of electron and hole pockets and partial gap opening in the correlated semimetal Ca3Ru2O7 Physical Review B, 2018, 97: 041113

(10) Daniel Halwidl, Wernfried Mayr-Schmölzer, Martin Setvin, David Fobes, Jin Peng, Zhiqiang Mao, Michael Schmid, Florian Mittendorfer, Josef Redinger, Ulrike Diebold, full monolayer of superoxide: oxygen activation on the unmodified Ca₃Ru₂O₇ (001) surface Journal of materials chemistry A, 2018, 6: 5703-5713

(11) J Peng, MQ Gu, XM Gu, GT Zhou, XY Gao, JY Liu, WF Xu, GQ Liu, X Ke, L Zhang, H Han, Z Qu, DW Fu, HL Cai, FM Zhang, ZQ Mao, XS Wu, Mott transition controlled by lattice-orbital coupling in -metal-doped double-layer ruthenates Physical Review B, 2017, 96: 205105

(12) Daniel Halwidl, Wernfried Mayr-Schmölzer, David Fobes, Jin Peng, Zhiqiang Mao, Michael Schmid, Florian Mittendorfer, Josef Redinger, Ulrike Diebold, Ordered hydroxyls on Ca 3 Ru 2 O 7 (001) Nature communications, 2017, 8:1-8

(13) Guotai Zhou, Xiaomin Gu, Xingming Yang, Xiaoyang Gao, Kang Wang, Jin Peng, Fengming Zhang, XS Wu, Structure, magnetism, and transport properties for Ca doping in Sr2IrO4 AIP Advances, 2017, 7:055823

(14) M Zhu, J Peng, W Tian, T Hong, ZQ Mao, X Ke, Tuning the competing phases of bilayer ruthenate Ca3Ru2O7 via dilute Mn impurities and magnetic field Physical Review B, 2017, 95: 144426

(15) M Zhu, J Peng, T Hong, K Prokes, Tao Zou, ZQ Mao, X Ke, Field-induced metastability of the modulation wave vector in a magnetic soliton lattice, Physical Review B, 2017, 95: 134429

(16) T. Zou, H. B. Cao, G. Q. Liu, J. Peng, M. Gottschalk, M. Zhu, Y. Zhao, J. B. Leão, W. Tian, Z. Q. Mao, and X. Ke, Pressure-induced electronic and magnetic phase transitions in a Mott insulator: Ti-doped Ca3Ru2O7 bilayer ruthenate, Physical Review B rapid communication, 2016, 94: 041115R

(17) X. M. Gu, G. T. Zhou, K. G. Gao, J. Peng, W. Wang, F. M. Zhang, X. S. Wu, Magnetism and transport properties of Sr2Ru1-xCoxO4 with x≤0.25,  Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2016, 99(6): 2024

(18) M. Zhu, J. Peng, T. Zou, K. Prokes, S. D. Mahanti, T. Hong, Z. Q. Mao, G. Q. Liu, and X. Ke, Colossal Magnetoresistance in a Mott Insulator via Magnetic Field-Driven Insulator-Metal Transition  Physical Review Letter, 2016, 116: 216401

(19) Jin Peng, JY Liu, Xiaomin Gu, Guotai Zhou, Wei Wang, J Hu, F. M. Zhang and X. S. Wu, Extremely large anisotropic transport caused by electronic phase separation in bilayer perovskite ruthenates Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2016, 49 (24): 245004

(20) Jin Peng, J Hu, Xiaomin Gu, Guotai Zhou, JY Liu, F. M. Zhang, X. S.  Wu*, Z. Q. Mao* Normal and inverse bulk spin valve effects in single-crystal ruthenates Applied Physics Letters, 2016, 108: 162402

(21) Daniel Halwidl, Bernhard Stöger, Wernfried Mayr-Schmölzer, Jiri Pavelec, David Fobes, Jin Peng, Zhiqiang Mao, Gareth S. Parkinson, Michael Schmid, Florian Mittendorfer, Josef Redinger, Ulrike Diebold, Adsorption of water at the SrO surface of ruthenates, Nature materials, 2016, 15: 450

(22) Jin Peng, JY Liu, J Hu, Z. Q. Mao*, F. M. Zhang, and X. S. Wu*, “Magnetic phase separation in double layer ruthenates Ca3(Ru1-xTix)2O7,” Scientific Reports, 2016, 6: 19462

(23) Kai Lv, H. P Zhu, J Peng, G. P Zhang, X. S. Wu Electronic and magnetic properties of SrRuO3 with Ru-vacancy: First-principle calculations,  Europhysics letters, 2016, 113(2): 27001

(24) W Wang. W Q Zou, L He, J Peng, R Zhang, X S Wu, F M Zhang, Magnetoresistance and nonlinear Hall effect in quaternary topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.8Se1.2, Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2015, 48: 205305

(25) Guotai Zhou, Xiaomin Gu, Weimei Xie, Tengfei Gao, J Peng, X. S. Wu, Polarized Raman scattering studies of hexagonal YMnO3 single-crystal, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2015, 51(11)

(26) Conor P Puls, Xinxin Cai, Yuhe Zhang, Jin Peng, Zhiqiang Mao, Ying Liu, Structural and metal-insulator transitions in ionic liquid-gated Ca3Ru2O7 surface, Applied Physics Letters, 2014, 104: 253503

(27) Bernhard Stoeger, Marcel Hieckel, Florian Mittendorfer, Zhiming Wang, David Fobes, Jin Peng, Zhiqiang Mao, Michael Schmid, Josef Redinger, Ulrike Diebold, High Chemical Activity of a Perovskite Surface: Reaction of CO with Sr3Ru2O7, Physical Review Letter, 2014, 113: 116101

(28) X Ke, J Peng, W Tian, Tao Hong, M Zhu, Z. Q. Mao, Commensurate-incommensurate magnetic phase transition in the Fe-doped bilayer ruthenates Ca3Ru2O7, Physical Review B, 2014, 89: R220407

(29) Bernhard Stoeger, Marcel Hieckel, Florian Mittendorfer, Zhiming Wang, Michael Schmid, Gareth S Parkinson, David Fobes, Jin Peng, John E Ortmann, Andreas Limbeck, Zhiqiang Mao, Josef Redinger, Ulrike Diebold, Point defects at cleaved Srn+1RunO3n+1(001) surfaces, Physical Review B, 2014, 90: 165438

(30) J. E. Ortmann, J. Y. Liu, J. Hu, M. Zhu, J. Peng, M. Matsuda, X. Ke , Z. Q. Mao, Competition between antiferromagnetism and ferromagnetism in Sr2RuO4 probed by Mn and Co doping,  Scientific Reports, 2013, 3:2950

(31) Ludi Miao, Wenyong Zhang, Punam Silwal, Xiaolan Zhou, Ilan Stern, Tijiang Liu, Jin Peng, Jin Hu, Dae Ho Kim, and Z. Q. Mao, Epitaxial strain effect on transport properties in Ca2-xSrxRuO4 thin films, Physical Review B, 2013, 88: 115102

(32) Jin Peng, X. Ke, Gaochao Wang, J. E. Ortmann, David Fobes, Tao Hong, Wei Tian, Xiaoshan Wu and Z. Q. Mao, From quasi-2D metal with ferromagnetic bilayers to Mott insulator with G-type antiferromagnetic order in Ca3(Ru1-xTix)2O7, Physical Review B, 2013 87: 085125

(33) D. Fobes, E. Vehstedt, J. Peng, G. C. Wang, T. J. Liu and Z. Q. Mao, Metal-insulator transition in doped Ca2RuO4: Potential application in bolometric detection, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012, 111: 083709

(34) Zhe Qu, Jin Peng, Tijiang Liu, David Fobes, Vlad Dobrosavljević, Leonard Spinu, and Z. Q. Mao, Effect of disorder on quantum phase transition in the double layered ruthenates (Sr1-xCax)3Ru2O7, Physical Review B, 2012, 86: 014434

(35) Ludi Miao, Punam Silwal, Xiaolan Zhou, Ilan Stern, Jin Peng, Wenyong Zhang, Leonard Spinu, Zhiqiang Mao and Dae Ho Kim, Itinerant ferromagnetism and geometrically suppressed metal-insulator transition in epitaxial thin films of Ca2RuO4, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 100: 052401

(36) X. Ke, J. Peng, D. J. Singh, Tao Hong, Wei Tian, C. R. Dela Cruz, and Z. Q. Mao, Emergent electronic and magnetic state in Ca3Ru2O7 induced by Ti doping, Physical Review B, 2011, 84: R201102

(37) X. Ke, Tao Hong, J. Peng, S. E. Nagler, G. E. Granroth, M. D. Lumsden, and Z. Q. Mao, Spin-wave excitation in the antiferromagnetic bilayer ruthenate Ca3Ru2O7, Physical Review B, 2011, 84, 014422

(38) D. Fobes, J. Peng, Z. Qu, T. J. Liu, and Z. Q. Mao, Magnetic phase transitions and bulk spin-valve effect tuned by in-plane field orientation in Ca3Ru2O7, Physical Review B, 2011, 84,014406

(39) Jin Peng, Zhe Qu, Bin Qian, David Fobes, Tijiang Liu , Xiaoshan Wu, H. M. Pham, Leonard Spinu and Z. Q. Mao, Interplay between the lattice and spin degrees of freedom in (Sr1-xCax)3Ru2O7, Physical Review B, 2010, 82, 024417

(40) Zhe Qu, Jin Peng, Tijiang Liu, David Fobes, Leonard Spinu, and Zhiqiang Mao, complex electronic states in double-layered ruthenates (Sr1-xCax)3Ru2O7” Physical Review B, 2009. 80: 115130

(41) Bin Qian, Zhe Qu, Jin Peng, Tijiang Liu, Xiaoshan Wu, L. Spinu and Z. Q. Mao, Structural, magnetic and electronic transport properties of (Sr0.9Ca0.1)3Ru2O7 single crystal, Journal of applied Physics, 2008, 105: 07E323

(42) Zhe Qu, Leonard Spinu, Huiqiu Yuan, Vladimir Dobrosavljević, Wei Bao, Jeffrey W. Lynn, M. Nicklas, Jin Peng, Tijiang Liu, David Fobes, Etienne Flesch, and Z. Q. Mao, Unusual heavy-mass nearly ferromagnetic state with a surprisingly large Wilson ratio in the double layered ruthenates (Sr1−xCax)3Ru2O7,  Physical Review B, 2008, 78 R180407