学术报告:Predictive Modeling of Low-Dimensional Materials for Solar Energy Conversion and Storage


报告人:Zhenyu Zhang, Distinguished Research Scientist from Oak Ridge National Laboratories




Advanced materials, in particular materials of reduced dimensionality are playing an essential role in exploration of alternative and sustainable energy sources. In this talk, we will try to highlight the importance of interdisciplinary science and synergestic efforts between theory and experiment in designing advanced materials for enhanced solar energy utilization, as exemplified by a few success stories. The first is the formulation of non-compensated n-p codoping as a novel enabling concept for narrowing the bandgap of oxide semiconductors for a variety of catalytic applications, including photolysis and environmental cleanup. Next we will outline some guiding principles in predictive design of light-element based nanomaterials as potential high-capacity media for hydrogen storage. In the third example, we will outline some opportunities in utilizing the nanoplasmonic properties of elegantly fabricated metallic nanostructures for one-photon to multiple electron-hole pair conversion. Collectively, these examples hopefully help to convey the vital importance of fundamental understanding and control of the elemental energy carriers and their conversion from one form to another.



Dr. Zhang is a Distinguished Research Scientist in the Materials Science & Technology Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Professor of Physics at the University of Tennessee, USA. His research has been focused on theoretical understanding of the formation, stability, properties, and potential applications of low-dimensional materials. Much of his recent research efforts has been devoted to clean energy and spintronic materials. He has authored ~150 peer-reviewed papers, many of which in close collaboration with experimentalists.